Kool-Aid Dyeing

Kool-Aid Dyeing: I know that sounds funny, but it not only really works, it's inexpensive, fun and much safer to use then some of the commercial dyes. The only problem I've encountered with Kool-Aid dyeing is that when you are trying to mix different colors to achieve a certain shade or color, Kool-Aid doesn't always follow the color wheel rules that we're use to so be sure that you experiment before you start using expensive necks. Actually you can use any of the drink powders. I've tried several and have had reasonably good luck with all of them. I must also admit that I've never used the pre-sweetened ones. I stick with the unsweetened mixes, so I can't comment on how the others will work. When using Kool-Aid, my formula is one package (6.2 grams) per one cup of water.